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Welcome to our shop for resellers ✨ We need approx. 4-8 days processing time

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Anna Cosma
Courtyard 12
17194 Klocksin

Tel: +491783808883
Email: kontakt@anna-cosma.de

VAT identification number: DE310343334

EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/odr

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Packaging regulations Germany:
We participate in the Landbell AG take-back system
Registration number: DE3060412423510

Austrian packaging regulations:
With regard to the packaging that we put into circulation that requires licensing
Our company is committed to ensuring the fulfillment of our legal obligation in accordance with §
13 g paragraph 2 AWG to the nationwide collection and recycling system of the European
Recycling Platform (ERP) Austria GmbH is connected. Further information can be found
on the website of the European Recycling Platform (ERP) Austria GmbH.

Packaging regulations France:

We work with ADELPHE: number A9904652.
ADEME: FR313956_01AXNU

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